Hello! I am a third year student nurse who needs a study buddy.

I practice pomodoro technique of studying for 50 minutes and resting for 10 minutes. If you like we can use that 10 minutes to either talk and be friends

. I appreciate it when my study partner is willing to open her/his camera while studying so i can be pressured to study and not open my social media lol. I speak english, and i don't care about your course/ degree as long as we can push each other to study harder!
message me, let's talk!
Hi pauxpen i’m a student like you
I’m lydia from Saudi Arabia
I’m 18yo and studying right now for my ielts exam , two exams for university in my country and finally SAT exam after a while
I would like to become a study buddy together !!
And it’s okay with me for you to study any subjects
Just we have to\
Motive it each other and be regular <3
And put a schedule for studying
Actually I’m trying to study 10+ hours per day
But it’s okay for me if would like less hours!
Of course we will take break and talking sometime if you like it

If you okay with that
I gusse we should use a app like zoom or another app you are comfortable with to focus
And for chatting i have telegram and ig
If you prefer another app it’s okay with me !!
Hopefully everything goes well