Final Project Artwork from AdelaideX Think. Create. Code.

edX Blog

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Rachel Lapal, Communications Manager

Technology surrounds us and touches every aspect of our day to day life. We depend on it to communicate, to organize our lives, and to seek out new information. And yet, many people are not fluent in the language of coding. Think. Create. Code. exposes learners to the fundamentals of programming so that anyone can understand how the computers and technology we interact with functions.

Each week, students are taught different skills for constructing smart and efficient code through art. Think. Create. Code. helps learners successfully manipulate digital images to create pieces to showcase in an online Art Gallery.

Throughout the course, learners created artwork and for their final assignment students were asked to put all they had learned into action and bring their art to life in an animated masterpiece. Read on to hear about some of the amazing final projects from Think. Create. Code. Thank you to these students for sharing their work!

The works in this post were originally posted in the Code101x Gallery. To bring your own imagination to life, enroll today in this interactive course!


John Taylor | Age 56

Melbourne, Australia

I am “between IT jobs” so I have a bit of time to do what I call “tool sharpening.” I love learning and was attracted to the creative side of this particular course. I have been very impressed by the creations of the other students and the diversity evident in them. As my final creation, I made the cube interactive so that you will be able to rotate the various layers and maybe even solve the cube!

Thanh Tonthat | Age 65

Houston, Texas

EdX is a gift from prestigious academic institutions and professors of the world, and we thank you. Think. Create. Code. shows us how to express our creativity on screen with codes in Progressive programming, and I learned tremendously throughout six weeks of lecture and homework.

Mikal Nazarani | Age 10

Peterborough, Ontario

The reason I joined this Think. Create. Code. course is because my dad is into code and programming and does it himself. He first introduced me to Scratch, then Python, and now this. I also like watching animations and thought it would be cool to make them.

Santhy Subramanian | Age 46

Apex, North Carolina

The class Think. Create. Code opened new and powerful ways of thinking in the creation of digital artwork using a programming language as opposed to a drawing software. It helped to tap into the creative aspect of programming and made learning the "Processing JS" language simpler, easier and intuitive. The instructors and staff were excellent. The discussion forums and Digital Gallery/Exhibition enabled me to get inspiration from artwork created by fellow learners and made this MOOC a rewarding learning experience. I look forward to the next level of this course.

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