Making it with MOOCs - A Beginner’s Guide to Getting the Skills you Need for Free

Making it with MOOCs - A Beginner’s Guide to Getting the Skills you Need for Free 2016-07-12

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A MOOC is a university course provided over the internet free of charge*. Many high profile universities now publish courses online which are based on their campus-based curricula. Increasingly, large corporates are also partnering with MOOC platforms to deliver training in on-demand skills.
These courses can be accessed anywhere and by anyone who has an Internet connection and a computer. They are “Massive” in the sense that thousands of students worldwide can be enrolled in the same course at the same time.

*Some MOOC platforms charge a small fee to access premium features, such as assignments,grading and certificates.

This free eBook will guide you through the basics of learning with MOOCs, covering the following areas:
  • Getting started with MOOCs
  • How to select the right MOOC
  • How to study a MOOC
  • Assessment in MOOCs
  • Life after a MOOC
Log in or sign up to download this free e-book now.

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