What are some fake programming skills that looks cool but extremely easy under the hood?

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Peter Nierop

Reading binary numbers is kinda really easy once you recognize a few shortcuts.

11 = 3

Since it is a binary system, this means if it shifts to the left it is multiplied by 2

so 110 is 6 and 1100 is 12 etc

101 is 5

so what is 01010110

if you realize it is a 5 group that is shifted to 10, 20, 40, 80 + a 3 group shifted to 6 and hence 86 together then you can do that very rapid with really no effort.

Obvious 1111 is equal to 1010 + 101 or 15

Similarly 11110011 is 15, 30, 60, 120, 240 + 3 = 243

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