How helpful are student-generated course reviews?

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Share your thoughts, tips and experiences of learning with MOOCs and online courses.


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Tell us how many MOOCs you have studied.

What courses were they?

Did you complete them?


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Some MOOC aggregator sites such as CourseTalk & ClassCentral give users the option to rate a course based on their own experiences.

Do you read these reviews?

Do you find them helpful?


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MOOC provider EdX has launched a high school initiative offering 27 new courses geared to high school students across the world. These high school MOOCs are developed by some of the best universities in the world, including UC Berkeley, Rice, MIT and include courses like The Road to Selective College Admissions, as well as subjects like Geometry and Algebra.

EdX aim to offer high-quality, engaging and interactive courses to prepare high school students for post-secondary studies.

To see full list of available courses geared at highschoolers, go to


Active Member
The jump from high school to post-secondary education is huge for most students. These new MOOCs will give students the opportunity to better prepare themselves before the big leap. Well done EdX!


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A study by Cornell and Stanford investigated the engagement patterns of more than 300,000 Coursera students and devised a “taxonomy of engagement” that divides MOOC participants into five different types:

1. Bystanders. Bystanders are students who register, but don’t engage much. They may never login at all, or they may poke around, but then disappear.

2. Collectors. Collectors are students who mainly just download the lectures, but don’t participate much in the course.

3. Viewers. Viewers are students who watch the lectures, but don’t do many of the assignments.

4. Solvers. Solvers do the assigned work, but don’t necessarily watch the lectures.

5. All-Rounders. Finally, all-rounders achieve a balance of watching lectures and doing assignments.


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Are you excited about taking your first ever MOOC?

What are your expectations?

Post your thoughts below.


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Most MOOC students are male

MOOCs attract students who already have college degrees

The average age of MOOC participants is 24

One-third of MOOC participants are from North America

Nearly half of registrants never engage with any of the content

Europeans view the most course content

Students with a doctorate view more course material

Serial students are the most engaged


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What is a MOOC.jpg


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Most teenagers need personalised support in their learning. I don't believe MOOCs are designed for the younger audience.


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A lot of learners start a MOOC but don't actually finish it. It would be interesting to know how many you have actually completed.

Select a response in the poll.


Active Member
I guess there are two scenarios here. People who take online courses to develop their learning and knowledge from a personal perspective and those who take them for professional development. Employers look for recognised certificates and experience neither of which can be obtained through MOOCs.

Mervyn Pilley

Active Member
Recognition of certificates from MOOC is now possible and starting to gain traction. Structured CPD Requirements for most professional bodies can certainly be met by MOOCS.

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