What other sites are there to learn coding interactively like Codecademy?

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Kristin Hoppe

It’s true that more coding websites and apps are going interactive, which is great news! Learning to program on a static platform is about as useful as learning how to scuba dive in the desert. There are more than enough websites to choose from, but the question is, what do you want out of your programming experience?

If you’re looking for general practice, you won’t have trouble getting your feet wet. If you’re looking to dive in with professional skills, some of the websites below will be far more effective than others.

Here’s a rundown of some of the most popular ones that haven't been mentioned so far:

Code School
Languages: Ruby, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, iOS
Level: Beginner/intermediate
Best for: People who are ready to up their programming skills and like watching video lessons and screencasts to learn along.

Languages: HTML, CSS, PHP, iOS
Level: Beginner/intermediate
Best for: Novice programmers who have a purpose or project in mind — this website is more oriented around projects than it is languages.

Code Avengers
Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Level: Beginner
Best for: Beginners who like to play around with code, want something easy to start off with, and want to have a little fun while they’re at it.

Languages: JavaScript, Objective C, Ruby, Python
Level: Beginner
Best for: Anyone who’s looking for simple, fun games and lessons with puzzles and challenges.

Khan Academy
Languages: HTML, SQL, jQuery
Level: Beginner
Best for: People who are interested in the playful aspect of coding, including animation and user interaction.

Languages: HTML, CSS, Ruby, JavaScript, SQL
Level: Beginner to advanced
Best for: People who want to become a professional programmer — this is why Learn has a job offer guarantee upon completion of the program.

If you are looking to go the professional route, be sure to check out whether the platform you’re working on is using real, interactive tools like terminal and GitHub — it’s best to start building up your work history/resume as you go. Good luck in your search!

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