Learner Story: A Purpose to Learn and Give Back

Coursera Blog

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We’re always touched to hear from learners who are using skills they’ve built on Coursera to enrich their lives and give back to their communities. This week, we’re sharing a story from Sonal Trivedi - we hope you find her story as inspiring as we do!

In 2013, Sonal Trivedi felt bored and directionless. She held a BS in biology and had had a fast-paced career in teaching and technology, but an unexpected surgery had left her living the life of a housewife in a remote town, with too much free time and nothing to work toward. Her son suggested she try taking courses online, so she enrolled in the University of California, San Francisco’s Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention course on Coursera.

Immediately, Sonal felt her passion for learning - and for life - return. Over the next year, she completed nearly a dozen health and life science courses. Her confidence improved still further when she began sharing her knowledge by volunteering, both in person for a local health organization, and online as a Coursera Community TA for the University of Illinois. Now, she feels motivated and connected to a global community. “My purpose is to gain knowledge,” she says, “and with that knowledge, to make this world a better place. Coursera has helped me achieve that.”

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