Welcome to our community! Please introduce yourself here...


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Study Buddy
Hi! I am Raiza from the Philippines. I'm a freshman Chemistry major student. I have joined this platform because I am looking for a study buddy who is passionate about chemistry and motivated to keep on going. I am the only chemistry student in our university and I would love to have a study buddy wherever place he or she is from because being the only chemistry student in the department is a lot to take in.


LLM in Public International Law
Study Buddy
Hi everyone! I'm Alice, I'm Irish and French and currently doing a Masters in Public International Law in the Netherlands. My main interest here is humanitarian law (law of war). I am currently applying for internships and specialised masters, working on my thesis (Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems: State and Individual Responsibility for Violations of International Humanitarian Law), and studying for some exams. I'm just looking for some accountability to help with procrastination!
Otherwise, I'm really into music, film, and literature!


New Member
Hello MoocLab Community!

I'm Carolyn, the founder of MoocLab. WELCOME!

There are so many awesome members who have joined MoocLab so I wanted to create a space for you to share a little more about who you are and all the things you are up to.

Some questions you may answer to get you going…feel free to add anything else if you want to (just keep it friendly and appropriate!).
  • Who are you?
  • What are you learning?
  • How do you plan to use your new skills? Personally/professionally?
  • How do you think MoocLab can help you achieve your goals?
  • What courses have you taken, or are planning to take?
Simply write your post in the reply box at the end of this thread and click on Post Reply. (You'll need to be logged in to do this).

I can't wait to meet our community here...

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  • If you are new to our forums see our How to Guide
  • Check out our Terms & Rules
  • Please do not post any personal information on this forum. You share your personal information here at your own risk.
  • If you are under 13 years old, please don't participate on this forum. This is for your own safety.
Thank you for accepting me

My name is Jennifer Shedrack
Almost all the courses
I am going to use my skills in both ways
By the lessons
I am presently studying Marine Biology or as it is known in some areas Oceanography

lyna touati

Active Member
Group Manager
hi i'm lyna i just opend a new group (just do it) i have a bac exam in 2 mounth and i want to succes and stay focus when seeing others student working so join me if you want

Deleted member 22636

Hi... I'm Sivuyile from South Africa and I'm a grade 10 high school student. I just want to improve a lot of my grades and I hope this will assist me in doing that. Hope I'll find some motivation too.

mks sowwan

New Member
  • Who are you? hi my name is mks im 22y
  • What are you learning? physical therapy
  • How do you think MoocLab can help you achieve your goals? idont like to study alone .ithink thismooclab will help me with

Deleted member 22679


I'm Tess, a biotechnology major. I love Chemistry, Biology, languages and Mathematics. I joined MoocLab since I'm interested in finding a study buddy. I love studying with friends or classmates as it helps me stay focused, motivated and of course, encouraged. I'm very optimistic, and I benefit a lot from helping others stay focused.
Look forward to finding a study partner and hopefully a friend, here! Thank you!


New Member
Group Manager
Hello MoocLab Community!

I'm Carolyn, the founder of MoocLab. WELCOME!

There are so many awesome members who have joined MoocLab so I wanted to create a space for you to share a little more about who you are and all the things you are up to.

Some questions you may answer to get you going…feel free to add anything else if you want to (just keep it friendly and appropriate!).
  • Who are you?
  • What are you learning?
  • How do you plan to use your new skills? Personally/professionally?
  • How do you think MoocLab can help you achieve your goals?
  • What courses have you taken, or are planning to take?
Simply write your post in the reply box at the end of this thread and click on Post Reply. (You'll need to be logged in to do this).

I can't wait to meet our community here...

Some housekeeping to keep in mind
  • If you are new to our forums see our How to Guide
  • Check out our Terms & Rules
  • Please do not post any personal information on this forum. You share your personal information here at your own risk.
  • If you are under 13 years old, please don't participate on this forum. This is for your own safety.
hello! My name is iris and i am learning for my high school classes. studying with other people motivates me and i might be able to help some people. i want to study psychology


New Member
Im new here, just discover this platform.
Im a psychology student and currently preparing for the entrance of masters degree.
It would boost my motivation if I found study buddy interested in the same field.


New Member
Study Buddy
hi my name is samridhi , i am in grade 12 and i am preparing for my college entrance . i am good in english but my maths is really bad so i have to work on that . mooclab can help me get a study buddy who can motivate me to do so


New Member
Study Buddy
Hi!! I'm Yasmina. 18 from Iran. I'm in my senior year of high school are right now, studying to get into university. At school I have the following subjects: maths, physics, biology, chemistry, persian literature, English, theology and Arabic. I'm here to get motivated.


New Member
Study Buddy
Hi !

I am currently studying A levels in Media studies, English literature, and Sociology! I like K-pop, sci-fi, and playing animal crossing lol. I'd love to find a study partner with similar interests and / or subject choices as me!


Hey y'all!
Group Manager
Study Buddy
I'm Grace, a Korean-American college sophomore studying Nursing, Spanish language, and English. Crossing my fingers that I'll be a Registered Nurse within the next two years (pray for me y'all)~ I need MoocLab because I tend to study through the night and would love the company and good vibes :)


New Member
Hi everyone, my name is Patz.

I'm currently taking BA Communications and I want to try this online platform. I want to learn more in journalism, media, and other that is related to communication. Since I can't study with my friend because they have a slow internet connection and we can't meet because of pandemic, I hope to fine a find a study buddy or group.

Nice meeting to y'all !!


" Fait de tes rêves une réalité "
Study Buddy
Bonjour la communauté MoocLab!

Je suis Carolyn, la fondatrice de MoocLab. BIENVENUE!

Il y a tellement de membres géniaux qui ont rejoint MoocLab, alors je voulais créer un espace pour vous permettre de partager un peu plus sur qui vous êtes et tout ce que vous faites.

Quelques questions auxquelles vous pouvez répondre pour vous lancer… n'hésitez pas à ajouter autre chose si vous le souhaitez (gardez-le simplement convivial et approprié!).
  • Qui es-tu?
  • Qu'apprends-tu?
  • Comment comptez-vous utiliser vos nouvelles compétences? Personnellement / professionnellement?
  • Comment pensez-vous que MoocLab peut vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs?
  • Quels cours avez-vous suivis ou envisagez-vous de suivre?
Écrivez simplement votre message dans la boîte de réponse à la fin de ce fil et cliquez sur Publier une réponse. (Vous devrez être connecté pour ce faire).

J'ai hâte de rencontrer notre communauté ici ...

Quelques travaux ménagers à garder à l'esprit
  • Si vous êtes nouveau sur nos forums, consultez notre guide pratique
  • Consultez nos conditions et règles
  • Merci de ne pas publier d'informations personnelles sur ce forum. Vous partagez vos informations personnelles ici à vos propres risques.
  • Si vous avez moins de 13 ans, veuillez ne pas participer à ce forum. C'est pour votre propre sécurité.
Salut tout le monde. Je m'appelle Aïcha, je suis en 1er années de licence sciences sociales. Je voudrais avoir un partenaire qui sera me motiver, me booster car en se moment je me rends comptes que je procrastine beaucoup et je veux modifier cela, je veux être plus productif. Je voudrais apprendre l'anglais, l'espagnol et le coréen ( si y a des gens qui parlent ces langues n'hésiter pas ). Je voudrais quelqu'un qui m'aide à faire des fiches de révisions car je suis bloquer sur cela c'est à dire que j'ai l'impression que tout est important donc je remplie ma fiche de révisions mais aussi à me donner de conseille pour prendre des notes efficace s'il vous plaît. Mais je souhaite aussi me faire des amis étant timide, j'ai dû mal à aller vers les gens. Je suis une fille sympathique, gentille, qui aime bien donner des conseilles, faire de nouvelles rencontres, ouvertes d'esprit. J'espère réaliser mes projets en devenant plus productif. Voilà !!!! Je vous souhaite de passer une bonne journée ou une bonne soirée tout dépend à quel heure vous lisez se message . N'hésitez pas à m'envoyer des message...

Deleted member 22887

Hi everyone im a pharmacy graduate from the philippines. Im too distracted to focus on my review right now so im looking for a study buddy who can join me.