Will John Purcell (and others) ever offer their online premium video lectures for free?

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John Purcell

I'm right here ...

I want to, but at the moment these videos make me a living, while donations make me about enough to buy a few coffees. I started a long time after Bucky, and haven't been nearly as prolific.

I'm planning to decrease the price of tutorials as they get out of date and eventually make them free, at a point when hopefully they'll still be useful. Recently I reduced the price of my Android 4 tutorial, and most likely this will end up as free one day before very long.

I'm a big proponent of free material, but at the moment I just couldn't live if everything was free; I'd have to get a normal job and largely stop making tutorials. Recently I released an entire beginners' C++ course for free, so I'm continuing a commitment to free material. I'm trying to release stuff for free when it will mostly be used by those learning programming, or looking for a job; advanced stuff that people use to further their careers, I charge for.

Having said all that, as I say on the front page of Cave of Programming - Java, C++ and Perl Tutorials - Learn to program, if anyone can't afford any of my courses, I'll give them a free subscription.

So a big thanks to those who can afford to support my work and do so! And those who can't, are also welcome.

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