Will experienced professionals be interested in courses from Coursera or similar platforms?

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Anna Nachesa

I am a software developer with about 15 years of working experience and background in physics. I find the courses offered by Coursera, Udacity and MITx quite useful. Some of them cover topics I didn't have a chance to learn systematically. These courses not only help to "put the knowledge into the system", but also introduce the student into the new "concept space". This helps to discuss these concepts with the other people without having to explain from scratch what do you want to say (I am sure many people who wanted to get help or share their ideas, but could not describe their thoughts to be understood by the others, would agree). Some of them help to refresh the knowledge I used to have, but didn't apply much. Some of them (not CS-related, like Model Thinking) just help to broaden up the "vision horizons" a bit and discover a different prospective from where one can look at familiar things and phenomena.

To summarize, I'd mention the following:
- systematic learning: helps to build up "the ladder of concepts", build up "the basis" for the subject, from where one can explore further;
- feedback: helps to check your understanding of new concepts;
- community building: helps to discover another people, interested in the same subject and - importantly - sharing the "common context" with you;
- last but not least: quality. When the teachers are themselves enthusiastic and knowledgeable about their subjects, the students feel more inspired and motivated, and this does make the difference.

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