Which is the most difficult programming language to learn and why?

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Wim ten Brink

It depends a bit on the definition of "Difficult". If you mean "Difficult to use" then many esoteric languages like Brainfuck and Whitespace will be real hard because of the limited number of operators. But those operators are actually quite easy to learn. The hard part is to use them to reach your goal.
If you mean "Difficult to learn" then these esoteric languages won't qualify. You can learn Brainfuck within 15 minutes and keep a post-it note on your monitor telling you what each operator does. Literally, extremely easy to learn. (But hard to use!)
A language that would be difficult to learn would be a language that has a huge amount of operators and functions that you will need to know, even for the simplest applications. Or it must be a language where each operator can alter the meaning of the next operator. Malbolge was already mentioned and it is indeed difficult to learn because it was never meant for humans to learn. It is a language with a build-in encryption. For the human mind it is way too complex so you need to be a machine to be able to program in it. Well, almost.

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