What are good ways to teach 12-year-old child programming?

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Christoffer Aasted

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I would pick a programming language and framework that matches his/her interests, here are various ideas, but most can be taught with help of parents:

At first sight Alice seems like the perfect way to introduce a completely unitiated to programming:
(I used to really like a game called Ceebot in the old days - that taught C through a 3D lunar mission like setting - it was commercial although)

http://codecademy.com -- Basic stuff on JavaScript, rewarding with achievements.
http://codeschool.com -- Basic, but still great alternative to codeacademy and seems more advanced (Haven't tried it)
http://builder.addons.mozilla.org -- Very easy, very rewarding, very useful !

Arduino might also be fun, for a more physical interaction, and although you have to be aware of datatypes, they will be at some point of their programming career. The same is true with Android, but if that's more tempting for them, let them try, you could make HTML5/JavaScript apps in Android too, opening up an opportunity to use what you learned at codeacademy.

If you edit question details with what you conclude after reading the questions or comment on this one, I will happily go back and edit this answer :)

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