The following new online courses were launched in July 2021 - all of them can be audited for free. To note, Coursera Specializations are made up of a series of individual courses. To gain free access to these, you will need to enrol in the individual courses separately, rather than the full Specialization.
On Coursera
On edX
On FutureLearn
On Coursera

Coursera | Online Courses From Top Universities. Join for Free
7,000+ courses from schools like Stanford and Yale - no application required. Build career skills in data science, computer science, business, and more.

Coursera | Online Courses From Top Universities. Join for Free
7,000+ courses from schools like Stanford and Yale - no application required. Build career skills in data science, computer science, business, and more.

Impacts of the Environment on Global Public Health
Offered by University of Michigan. Learn how environmental factors affect health. Explore environmental health science (EHS) and assess the ... Enroll for free.

Coursera | Online Courses From Top Universities. Join for Free
7,000+ courses from schools like Stanford and Yale - no application required. Build career skills in data science, computer science, business, and more.

Introduction to Application Development
Offered by LearnQuest. Learn programming from a solid foundation.. Master programming concepts that will prepare you for learning Java or ... Enroll for free.

Machine Learning for Supply Chains
Offered by LearnQuest. Use Machine Learning in the Supply Chain. You will learn to use machine language techniques to analyze and predict ... Enroll for free.

Health After Cancer: Cancer Survivorship for Primary Care
Offered by Stanford University. This course presents basic principles of cancer survivorship to primary-care physicians. Developed by a team ... Enroll for free.

Desarrolla tu líder
Offered by Universidad de Palermo. El liderazgo es uno de los fenómenos más observados y menos comprendidos. Casi todos hemos tenido alguna ... Enroll for free.

Маркетинг в VUCA-мире (часть 1)
Offered by Saint Petersburg State University. Цель курса – формирование системы знаний о маркетинге как о современной концепции бизнеса, ... Enroll for free.

Digital Governance
Big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning, autonomous cars, chatbots, just a few terms that have become a part of our professional ... Enroll for free.

Einführung in die Datenanalyse mit Excel
Offered by Rice University. Die Verwendung von Excel ist in der Branche weit verbreitet. Es ist ein sehr leistungsfähiges Datenanalysetool ... Enroll for free.

Введение в анализ данных с помощью Excel
Offered by Rice University. Использование Excel широко распространено в отрасли. Это очень мощный инструмент анализа данных, и почти все ... Enroll for free.

Introduction à l'analyse de données à l'aide d'Excel
Offered by Rice University. L'utilisation d'Excel est répandue dans l'industrie. C'est un outil d'analyse de données très puissant et ... Enroll for free.

The 360º Corporation: Tools for Achieving Corporate Purpose
Offered by University of Toronto. If you’ve heard the terms stakeholder capitalism, or sustainability, or ESG, corporate social ... Enroll for free.

Renewable Energy Technology Fundamentals
Offered by University of Colorado Boulder. Renewable energy is one of the fastest growing industries on the planet, with billions of dollars ... Enroll for free.

स्वास्थ्य कर्मचारियों के लिए कोविड-19 ट्रेनिंग
Offered by Stanford University. कोविड-19 दुनिया भर में तेजी से फैल रहा है और सभी swastha karmiyon को iss कोरोना वाइरस के रोगियों की पहचान ... Enroll for free.

Инженерия знаний: вводный инженерно-лингвистический курс
Offered by Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University. Этот курс предназначен для подготовки слушателей к работе с современными ... Enroll for free.

Chronically Ill in an Emergency: Why Mental Health Matters
In humanitarian settings, mental ill-health is powerfully inter-connected with other non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as cardiovascular ... Enroll for free.

Diversity and Inclusion in Education
Offered by University of Glasgow . Student diversity is becoming the rule rather than the exception in education systems across the world. ... Enroll for free.

English and Academic Preparation - Grad Track
Offered by Rice University. The English and Academic Preparation – Grad Track non-credit course is for students who wish to strengthen their ... Enroll for free.

On edX

NUS: Computational Reasoning with Microsoft Excel
Learn how to critically evaluate solutions and make well-informed decisions based on data by merging Microsoft Excel skills with philosophical critical reasoning. No prior experience with Microsoft Excel required.

GeorgetownX: Quantum Mechanics
Learn the quantum mechanics needed to prepare you for the second quantum revolution (focused on quantum sensing). We use a new way to teach quantum for undergraduates by focusing on conceptual ideas and operator manipulations. This allows us to discuss more applications to experiment usually...

Smart Logistics and Supply Chains
Learn the foundations of analytical tools, methods, and applications of logistics systems in the context of planning and operations of integrated supply chain systems.

IIMBx: Arts and Culture: Towards a New Management Paradigm
Covering concepts that detail management strategies for professionals in arts and culture enterprises, ‘Arts and Culture: Towards a New Management Paradigm’ is designed to equip learners with a practitioner’s knowledge of management. The course details topics such as economics of culture and...

StanfordOnline: How You Say It Matters: A Toolkit for Improving Communications About Academic Standing
Do you want to help your students experiencing academic difficulty feel motivated, not crushed? Learn our approach to “psychologically attuned” communications about academic standing. Watch the course introductory video on YouTube.

NYUx: Open Justice
This first-of-its-kind course teaches how to use technology, data and innovation to improve our legal system. It showcases innovative open justice projects from around the world and explains how to create your own.

PennX: The Science of Generosity: Do Good…Feel Good
Explore how generosity can increase your own happiness and make a difference in the communities around you.

Advanced Wound Management and Treatment
Earn CNE credits with Vohra, the global leader in wound care education and certification. Vohra’s team of specialty wound care experts created this straightforward wound care course to assist those interested in furthering their careers, in providing better care, or in expanding their knowledge...

WBGx: Smart Cities for Sustainable Development
This course is based on the World Bank’s “ Smart Cities for Sustainable Development ”. The course is structured around four thematic areas to which smart cities can contribute: Green, Smart, Development, and Vision. Four weeks study will introduce various perspectives and cases of how smart...

MITx: World Music: Global Rhythms
Learn to recognize, feel and play rhythms from around the world

UniversityofCambridge: Foundations of Finance
This course provides a rigorous, but straightforward, introduction to the key concepts of financial understanding. Using real-world case studies and practitioner interviews, as well as timely knowledge checks, you will integrate your new knowledge and problem solving skills with practical...

GalileoX: El rol de la digitalización en la transición energética
En este curso aprenderás los fundamentos de la digitalización en el sector energético, partiendo de la problemática energética global y la necesidad de un modelo más sustentable hasta llegar a entender las principales tecnologías involucradas.

NUS: Quantitative and Qualitative Research for Beginners
This course is designed as a basic introduction to the complex world of research methods and provides both theoretical and practical information for students to give them a foundation for carrying out research in a wide range of disciplines using quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods.

UBCx: Coding for Your Classroom 4 - 10
Self-paced, asynchronous course aimed to build educators’ comfortability and confidence in digital literacy. Through hands-on learning activities and demos in a variety of web-based platforms, educators will have the resources and skills they need to introduce coding concepts to their students...

UBCx: Coding for Your Classroom K - 3
Self-paced, asynchronous course aimed to build educators’ comfortability and confidence in digital literacy. Through hands-on learning activities and demos in a variety of web-based platforms, educators will have the resources and skills they need to introduce coding concepts to their students...

UBCx: Engineering for Your Classroom K – 3
Self-paced, asynchronous course aimed to help educators introduce Science, Math, Engineering and Technology (STEM) concepts to K-3 students.

Fundamentals of Integrated Photonics
A gateway course introducing learners to silicon-based photonics: survey of optical materials design, overview of devices and optical link design, summary of application-specific drivers for integrated photonics systems.

GalileoX: Blockchain e internet de las cosas
Con el uso de las tecnologías digitales emergentes, el proceso de transición energética puede ser más eficiente, seguro y sostenible. Entre estas tecnologías, se encuentra blockchain e internet de las cosas. Por lo que, en este curso, aprenderás sobre los fundamentos de estas tecnologías y como...

GTx: Engineering Vibration I: Introduction: Single-Degree-of-Freedom Systems
This course is an introduction to exploring the topic of engineering systems undergoing vibration.

GalileoX: Analítica avanzada y seguridad cibernética
La digitalización del sector energético brinda una gran oportunidad para alcanzar una matriz energética diversificada y sostenible. Sin embargo existen grandes retos por delante, los cuales pueden ser superados gracias a los avances en los sistemas de analítica avanzada. Por otra parte, la...

UPValenciaX: Teoría de circuitos. Conceptos fundamentales en corriente continua
Este es el primero de una serie de MOOCs que cubren la asignatura de Teoría de Circuitos de primero de ingeniería de Telecomunicación.

RWTHx: Mathematical Optimization for Engineers
Learn the mathematical and computational basics for applying optimization successfully. Master the different formulations and the important concepts behind their solution methods. Learn to implement and solve optimization problems in Python through the practical exercises.

WBGx: Data for Better Lives: A New Social Contract
With this course, explore the 2021 World Development Report (WDR) and how data can be used for advancing development outcomes. Learn about the principles of a new social contract for data and data governance needed to transform lives for the poor.

NUS: Understanding and Changing Health Behaviors
Understand how health behaviours impact health, what drives them and how to change them for the better

PurdueX: Fundamentals of Building Information Modeling
Learn the fundamentals of building information modeling (BIM), including object-oriented modeling, parametric modeling, and central database.

UAS-Based Mapping: Basic Principles
Learn the fundamentals of UAS-based mapping from imaging and ranging systems – Including system integration, calibration strategies, and 3D reconstruction techniques

UAS-Based Mapping: Photogrammetric Approach
Learn the fundamentals of UAS-based mapping from imaging systems with emphasis on photogrammetric techniques for 3D reconstruction.

PurdueX: BIM for Construction
Learn how to couple BIM and traditional scheduling and cost-estimating tools to develop 4D, 5D, and nD models for effective construction applications

UAS-Based Mapping: Laser Scanning
Learn the fundamentals of UAS-based mapping from laser scanning systems with emphasis on point positioning, system calibration, and quality control of derived point clouds/products.

PurdueX: Computer Applications of Artificial Intelligence and e-Construction
Learn the fundamentals of artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing and their applications in e-Construction.
On FutureLearn

Intro to Randomised Controlled Trials - Online Medical Course - FutureLearn
Discover the importance of trials in evidence-based medicine and learn about the trial lifecycle from conception to publication with this online medical course from the University of Birmingham.

Emotional Intelligence in Practice - Online EQ Course - FutureLearn
Build the skills to increase your emotional intelligence, improve how you collaborate, and develop a mindset to innovate with this online EQ course featuring content from BigThink.

Problem-Solving - Online Critical and Strategic Thinking Course
Use critical thinking and the conceptual thinking framework to approach problems effectively and communicate your solutions with this online strategic thinking course.
Invite-only course - FutureLearn
Enjoy free online courses from leading UK and international universities.

Mathematical Methods for University-Level Science - University Prep - FutureLear
Prepare to study science subjects at degree level with this introduction to essential mathematical methods and skills from the University of Nottingham.

Mysteries of the Universe - Online Course - FutureLearn
Explore the deepest secrets of the cosmos, including how the universe began and how it might end, with this online astronomy course from National Tsing Hua University.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Data Science Course - FutureLearn
Explore how Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Business can help extract valuable insights from business data, with this online data science course from Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU).

Introduction to Medical Science - Mini Medical School Course - FutureLearn
Join the University of Colorado School of Medicine’s course to explore the science behind modern medicine and better understand and communicate with health professionals.

A Nutritional Approach to Agriculture and Food Security - Online Course
A Nutritional Approach to Agriculture and Food Security

Intro to Deep Learning and Autonomous Systems - Machine Learning Course
Discover the benefits and risks of deep learning and its uses in systems such as assistive technology and facial recognition with this online course from the University of York.

Creating Audio Description: Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion - FutureLearn
Explore how to create audio descriptions and introductions that capture the diversity of a performance, with this online course from Royal Holloway, University of London.

Medieval European Archaeology - Study Archaeology Online - FutureLearn
Learn what historical archaeology can tell us about Medieval Europe, exploring cultural heritage and the history of climate change through material culture.

Online Quantum Computing Course - FutureLearn
Explore the key concepts of quantum computing and find out how it’s changing computer science with this introductory course.

Introduction to Japanese Subculture - Online Course - FutureLearn
Explore Japanese subcultures and learn about their history from the 1970s to today.