I'm teaching myself to code with online tutorials and mini-projects for myself. What steps...

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Kristin Hoppe

You're at a great place right now, for a couple different reasons. Not only have you already taken the first steps, but you know what you like, and that you're ready to proceed with this endeavor professionally.
Congrats! Some people haven’t made it that far yet. Now here’s what you need to do to take yourself to the next level:
Decide which program is right for you.
Online, in person? Only you know
What kind of program are you looking for — in person, or online? (Here is a blog post and another Quora post that has helped people decide between Flatiron School and Learn.) What is your budget and schedule like? I’ve written somewhat extensively on comparing code schools, but you should start looking at ones that take a little more time and commitment since you’ve already done your rounds on the free websites.
Check out this post that compares places like Thinkful and Hack Reactor in an objective stackup. Consider if location matters, how you’d like to spend your time, and what type of budget works for you. Once you pick something, that’s when you’ve got to rocket to the next level.
Then kick some butt.
Keep up the passion
Fall in love with code, and don’t look back. That’s what turns programming into something truly magical that you’ll want to invest your time in — both professionally and recreationally. If you feel like hitting your head against the wall when you’re stuck on some code, fear not — that’s normal. Take a step back and find what to love. Having that mentality is a gift that keeps on giving.
Practice x infinity
Make it a practice to code every day. Even if it’s just for sixty minutes — anything is better than nothing. Maybe that means setting up a hackathon with friends to code together. Maybe that means setting time aside on your calendar everyday to work on a special project. Whatever you decide, keep it a priority. It will give you the juice to become not just good, but great.
Integrate professional tools
You’ve been dabbling here and there. Have you started using version control software yet, or terminal? Build a foundation on these practices early, and you’re far more likely to succeed. That means opening up terminal, learning commands that could be used on sites like GitHub, and building a foundation from there. Platforms like Learn are good at integrating that from that start.
Find a community and a mentor
Look up meetups in your area, and find your foothold in the tech scene. Once you’ve done that, reach out to that community for a mentor who can help you out with whatever you’re working on. If you happen to live in a remote area or just can’t find that homebase, seek out people whose work you admire and ask them for tips or advice. You can do this by tweeting people at companies where you’d like to work. Most people are flattered and would like to help.
Build an online presence
There are so many ways to bolster your experience and credibility as a developer online. Document your progress by keeping a technical blog (here are some great tips on how to get started with that). Additionally, think about contributing to open source code. Not only is it great practice, but you’ll know that you’ve been of help to others.
You’re on the right track — now is the perfect time to make that big move.

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