I came up with a new rule: For each programming language one of my programmers learns they...

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Active Member
Bruce-Robert Fenn Pocock


So, wait. If I write “Hello, World” in Brainfuck (yes, it's a programming language, albeit not a very useful one), I can get $2,000?

Is Perl 6 a different language than Perl 5? Most programmers would say so.

What about C vs Objective C? Is Ruby on Rails distinct from Ruby plain? CPython vs jPython?

Define “Learn.” Enough to pass some online testing curriculum? Enough to solve a couple of puzzle questions on Rosetta Code?

Suppose I learn a new language every second week. That's not unreasonable, but how good will I be at any of them? And who cares, because I just make an extra $52,000 a year?

This doesn't sound remotely practical.

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