Does it make sense to use C++ instead of Python only because I prefer the explicitness?

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Active Member
Garry Taylor

Sure it does.

I totally agree with you, C++ (and lots of other languages) are far more explicit than Python, I know the Zen of Python says "explicit is better than implicit", and I 100% agree with that, but Python is not explicit, and I don't care who says otherwise.

Dynamic types are implicit by their very nature, in that types are assigned by implication, not by explicit declaration. So basically, the Zen of Python is bullshit.

If you like C++, keep using it, I think basically what you're saying is that you prefer a statically typed language, so you have spell out what everything is? I agree, I strongly prefer static types also.

If you want a language which with explicit type declaration, you could also check out Java, C#, Swift, Go, which keeps the static types, but you might find them faster to write than C++.

However, don't think that I'm putting you off using C++, I'm not, if you like it, keep using it.

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