Could dealing with lots of programming languages have a negative impact on my programming...

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Vladislav Zorov

It depends. Languages like Haskell or the different Lisp dialects can make you hate whatever other language you have to use, and can lead you to start writing non-idiomatic code (after Haskell, my C# code became littered with higher-order functions, and after Lisp I’ve started using code generation, and still feel like I’m programming with both hands tied behind my back).

About all Turing-complete languages being equivalent, this is only true in the strict mathematical sense - like a scooter and a fighter jet are equivalent in that they’re both vehicles that move from point A to point B. In reality, programming languages can be very, very different, and emulating one in another is rarely a good idea (since it won’t be idiomatic code). You have to try to show restraint, and this isn’t very easy when you’ve seen stuff.

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