As a sophomore Computer Science student, what programming language should I learn next?

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Brian Bi

I think your time would be better spent by doing some sort of coding project. I don't know anything about you, so all I can say is that it's likely that you haven't had the opportunity to make extensive use of all the languages you've learned so far (since these things do take time). You can find ideas on Quora and elsewhere. For example, you could write a text editor or an IRC client. (The nice thing about these projects is that they're as deep as you want them to be: it's easy to code up something basic, but you can always add more functionality.)

There are at least two more languages that you should learn:

  • If you ever do any front-end web development, you absolutely must know JavaScript.
  • Python is indispensable for general scripting. It has lots of built-in libraries that can perform a wide array of tasks easily. Also, you will be expected to know it (some basic proficiency in Python can be considered "general knowledge" for programmers).

But I wouldn't say you should necessarily learn them right now just for the sake of learning more languages.

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