45+ New Courses and Specializations Launching on Coursera

Coursera Blog

Active Member

Whatever you envision for the next step in your career - expanding your job scope, pursuing a leadership role, or moving into a new industry - we want to help you get started.

That’s why we’re adding more career-relevant content to the Coursera catalog, including courses and Specializations in new areas like startup valuation, marketing analytics, and UI design. Every course is taught by leading instructors from the world’s top universities; Specializations are designed to build your mastery of a particular topic, and include hands-on projects to help you demonstrate that you’re ready for the next step in your career.

The following new and updated courses and Specializations are now open for enrollment:


Data Science

Computer Science


We’ll be adding even more new content throughout the rest of 2016 - stay tuned!

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