What should I focus on to learn programming for 2015?

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Active Member
Mike Jewett

When learning something new, I consider three things: how it helps me personally, how it helps those around me, and how it helps me professionally. You seem to be interested in learning for pleasure, but also want to address a potential career niche as a Pythonista. There are many Python job opportunities; it’s a language used by startups, mid-size companies like Dropbox, and huge companies like Google. Python is also a favorite language for data science, so instead of learning a new language you could opt to learn a new field.

Nevertheless, there are trends to consider and learning a new language may reveal new and exciting opportunities. Consider these tips when choosing a new language to learn:
  1. Follow GitHub trends. GitHub is where most programmers collaborate, so it’s a good idea to track language and contribution trends. (Note that Python is currently trending as the #3 language on GitHub)
  2. Follow publishers. My favorite technical book publisher is The Pragmatic Bookshelf, and they do a great job publishing cutting-edge material. You could monitor their new releases and beta books to get a sense of what’s hot, new, and exciting.
  3. Follow the opportunity. You could target the companies or clients you’d love to work for, and research their tech stacks. For starters, you could search companies on sites like BuiltWith and StackShare. You could also ask more direct questions on HackerNews, like someone did here a few years ago.
  4. Follow the bootcamps. Learn to code bootcamps have been springing up all over the place, and most of them support job placement in some way. Bootcamps need to stay on top of language and framework trends as choosing the right ones to teach will increase their students’ chances of landing jobs. Most successful bootcamps like Hack Reactor and Bloc (where I work) teach JavaScript and Ruby.
My overall recommendation is to not pick a language or framework just because it seems hot on Hacker News or TechCrunch. .NET and Java, for example, may not be sexy nowadays, but they do provide many job opportunities. The four things I mentioned above should provide a context for a strategic decision.

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