Was object-oriented programming a failure?

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Sava Chankov

The hidden assumption of Alexander Stepanov is that OOP == C++. This is revealed by his statement It starts with classes. Well, according to Alan Kay, the man that invented the term Object-oriented programming, its biggest idea are not classes, not even objects, but the way they communicate - the messages (Alan Kay On Messaging).

If you take a closer look at his source of inspiration – living cells – you will see that they can’t be called a big success either. The way life works involves a lot of failures: unviable copies of a cell that die prematurely, vile copies of cell that damage their neighbours - cancer, and on a macro level, living organisms that do not adapt well to their environment and suffer extinction.

I think lots of misunderstanding about OOP comes with confusing its ideas with various more or less successful implementations like C++ or Java. Coming from a small Eastern European country which experimented half of the XX century with implementing socialism, I come to see this question to be quite like Was socialism a failure? Clearly East European implementation was a failure, which doesn’t rule out it is completely impossible to be done right. Just look at present day Iceland. And then take a look at Ruby (-;

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