Project-Based Courses Launch on Coursera: Create a business model, infographic, Android...

Coursera Blog

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If you learn best when you’re applying new skills to a meaningful project, you’re not alone. Research shows that tackling real-life challenges is a powerful way master new content, improve your general problem-solving abilities, and prepare for increasingly difficult tasks.

That’s why we’re excited to announce the launch of 12 new project-based courses on Coursera, in topics from persuasive writing to computer construction. In a project-based course, you’ll master content efficiently by applying new concepts to a real-world project as you learn. You’ll receive guidance and suggestions from your instructor and a community of learners with similar goals, and when you complete the course, you’ll have a finished project that you’ll be proud to use and share.

The following project-based courses are open for enrollment now, with sessions starting as soon as next week, and three more courses are opening soon. Find the course and project that fit your goals, and start building, designing, or writing your way to success today.

Project-Based Courses Now Open - Enroll Today


Computer Science

Art and Music

Project-Based Courses Opening Soon

  • Create an Interactive Website in One Week, SUNY Stonybrook
  • How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, École Polytechnique
  • How to Write a Resume, The State University of New York at Buffalo

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