Study Buddy offer a help in data analysis /data viz for a PhD paper / research


Self-learning Data Science girl
Study Buddy
Hello people!

I am 31 girl, a beginner data analyst, I know enough of Python, statistics, Excel and Tableau, and I am looking for some PhD or master students or any kind of researchers. I offer a help with statistical processing of the data for the research. Visualizations, looking for patterns / trends in data, maybe performing ML models like simple linear or multiple linear regression, k-neighbours, clasterisation, etc. So if you're a PhD student in any field (I would be extremely thrilled to analyse medical data, but any kind will do!) and need a pair of spare hands to work out some data (please, no more than 1mln rows, I'm not that professional on SQL yet!) and you don't mind maybe mentioning me on your paper, then please step by and drop me a line!

kindly yours