Introducing Our New Infographic: How the World Learns

Coursera Blog

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At Coursera, we’re always working to better understand where, when, how, and why people learn online. Along the way, we’ve discovered some fascinating trends. We’re excited to share a few of these in a first-of-its-kind online learning infographic, drawing on insights and feedback from over 18 million learners worldwide. Highlights include:

  • Late afternoon is the most popular time to watch lectures, but computer science learners tend to log in later - around 9pm local time
  • Subject interests vary by country - France’s top topic is business, Germany leads in physical sciences, and passion for personal development peaks in Mexico
  • In 2015, five countries grew their Coursera populations by over 70%
  • Learners accessing Coursera on mobile increased by 80% last year
  • The United States and the Philippines have the highest representations of women in online courses, at 46% and 53% respectively

You can explore more trends in the complete infographic below - on behalf of all of us at Coursera, thank you for being part of our diverse and passionate global community!

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