I suck at programming, but I love it. What should I do?

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Active Member
Anthony Moh

You love programming. So, program.

Why should anyone care if you suck at it?

This isn't medicine. Or archery. Or bowling. No matter how badly you suck, you aren't going to hurt anyone.*

About everybody else here reassures you that you'll get better, or that you don't really suck**. But so what if you're going to be a sucky programmer forever?

There's a theoretical horrible dancer who dances at every party. He's never going to get better. But he's never going to stop dancing. Because he loves it.

Of course, priorities matter. Theoretical dancing guy doesn't need to become a professional dancer just because he likes dancing. He spends 60 hours a week working at a hospital saving lives, because he's damn good at it, and he needs to pay for rent. But godammit, he can dance when he wants to.***

* - Obvious lie. If you're only moderately sucky, you could potentially have code in a product that causes someone to get hurt. But this is still pretty unlikely.

** - They're probably right.

*** - He can leave his friends behind.

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