How long does it take to complete the Full-Stack Nanodegree on Udacity?

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Andrew Roy Chen

Fullstack took me 4 months to the day.

So thats $800 total in monthly tuition minus 50% reimbursement: Grand total $400.

But ESID. Every Situation Is Different. On average I spent a good amount of time weekly, likely in the 20-30 hr range. Being part-time employed I had that "luxury".

Note that I was comfy with Python already, and coding in general. A small amount of JavaScript will also come into play, which I had learned prior. Familiarizing with those would otherwise necessitate more time.

For free you can watch the coursewares and do the projects on your own with no Udacity support. For a disciplined self-learner, this is a good route. The materials are generally high quality.

The fee is for those who would benefit from the support mechanisms. Despite my finishing two nanodegrees, ironically I don't think the actual degree part is that big of a deal.

For me the major value was:

A) learning community which has evolved into a form of networking for me I guess you can say. I don't have a ton of other avenues to dish about this stuff outside of occasional Meetup.

B) I generally seek solutions myself but the structure part of it got me through the occasional hurdle. That plus the financial incentive likely sped up my completion time by a month or two.

A possible action plan is to get the Python familiarity down first, and maybe a little JavaScript. Perhaps even get Project 1 out of the way beforehand. That one is very straightforward.

Then do the 1 week trial and determine how beneficial the paid program perks are for you personally. Go out of your way to attend program learning events and interact with classmates. If you find those resources don't do much for you, consider you may not need the nanodegree program at all to enjoy the fruits of your new skills!

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