Am I too naive to believe that I can get a ML developer job after finishing Udacity's...

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Dmitriy Genzel

If I am interviewing you, I don’t care what degree you have. I’d ask you some questions and see what you do with them. And, of course, I’d like to know what experience you have (which isn’t much in your case), but that’s somewhat optional for a junior-level position which is hopefully what you are looking for. So, basically, if you have the knowledge as a result of your udacity course (and in case of ML it has to mean actually solving a bunch of small problems as part of your coursework, so you have a bit of experience), then you’d be hirable at entry-level. Always assuming you are a good coder. The “nanodegree” might impress HR people (or not), I have no idea what it’s worth, but it won’t help you once you get past HR.

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