A Call to Action: Development Courses to Help Build a Better World and Eradicate Poverty

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“Wherever men and women are condemned to live in extreme poverty, human rights are violated. To come together to ensure that these rights be respected is our solemn duty.” – Father Joseph Wresinski

On the 17th of October 1987, Father Joseph Wresinski along with defenders of human and civil rights from every continent gathered in Paris, France. They paid homage to the victims of hunger, ignorance and violence. They affirmed their conviction that human misery is not inevitable. They pledged their solidarity with all people who, throughout the world, strive to eradicate extreme poverty.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, with the theme this year being “a path toward peaceful and inclusive societies.”

The United Nations’ goal is to make sure that all member nations abide by the rules and follow the strategic development plans that the UN has set in order to make sure that poverty becomes extinct. The United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development sets poverty eradication as the overarching objective and obligated all countries to end poverty in all forms, through strategies that guarantee the fulfillment of all human rights and ensure no one is left behind. In order for the UN to be successful, it is not just the world leaders and government institutes who have to participate, but everyone needs to put in a collective effort in order for this target to be achievable.

Gaining knowledge about sustainable development, economic development and learning about ways in which poverty can be eradicated can be the first steps toward trying to accomplish our global goal. Whether you work in the development sector or not, the below courses will help you better understand development and the strategies we can take to build a better world, free of poverty.


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DelftX, WageningenX (Self-Paced)

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UQx (Self-Paced)

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EPFLx (Self-Paced)

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WBGx – Starts November 7th

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