6 easy healthy food swaps

FutureLearn Blog

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Ahead of our Food as Medicine course from Monash University, the team behind the course look at some easy food swaps that can help improve your diet.

Simple food swaps can be an easy way to start harnessing the health benefits provided by foods. Try these five simple food swaps to help bump up the nutrient content of your diet:

1. Use avocado as a spread on wholegrain bread or crackers instead of margarine of butter. Full of monounsaturated fats and a source of fibre, folate and antioxidants avocado will help provide a nutrient boost to your lunch!


2. Choose wholegrain bread or granary bread instead of white or wholemeal bread.


3. Swap the cream in a creamy pasta sauce for pureed cauliflower. Pasta – but healthier!


4. Make your own dips instead of buying store bought ones – making your own guacamole and hummus can be quick and easy, and packed with nutrients and fibre without many of the additives and preservatives. For guacamole just mash an avocado and add chopped tomato, red onion and a splash of lemon juice (and optional chilli and coriander)


5. Swap low fat rice crackers for nuts – nuts are high in fibre and protein and will help you feel fuller for longer, while also packing a nutrient punch.


6. Flavour your dishes with herbs and spices instead of salt. Herbs and spices can contain phytochemicals which can have health benefits while also providing wonderful flavours and aromas to your foods.


Discover lots more about how food can make all the difference to your health – Join the free online course Food as Medicine, it starts Monday.

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