5 common beliefs that hold new managers back

Coursera Blog

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Below is an excerpt from a piece that was recently published on Business Insider.
by Julia Stiglitz, Vice President of Enterprise

When I started my first management role, my mental image of what a manager should be was of a sober professional dressed in formal business attire. In an effort to live up to that image, I wore high heels every day, and I hid my natural smile under a serious, thoughtful expression.

I quickly realized that the shoes and the frown weren’t making me a better manager — in fact, by not being myself, I was making it harder to build a rapport with my new reports.

Now, 10 years later, I’m supporting several colleagues as they transition into their first management roles. In working through their challenges, I’ve realized that everyone has preconceived ideas about what a boss “should” be and do — and that those ideas can steer even the best-intentioned individual off track.

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