What is the hardest part about learning to program?

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Carlos Matias La Borde

Mindset. Definitely mindset.

Mindset either makes you quit or keep going.

Mindset can make you insecure in your knowledge or ability to learn.

Mindset is what makes you scared to try new things.

As long as you have the natural ability, if you get your mindset straight everything else will fall into place given enough time.

Even the natural ability part… if your mindset isn’t right it can convince you that you don’t have what it takes even if you absolutely do.

If you’re not sure if you can, then set aside 6 months to figure out how to make some things. If you’ve made decent progress and don’t loathe it, you probably have what it takes to become good.

Then get your mindset straight and keep hammering it into place. Keep coming back to consciously check-in and examine your progress. Keep looking for inefficiencies. For new opportunities and rising technologies and concepts.

If you can keep your mindset straight, the rest is just details.

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