What is the best way to learn coding perfectly from Cormen's Introduction to Algorithms?

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Viswanath Sivakumar

Introduction to Algorithms by CLRS does not teach you coding. You learn the fundamentals of theoretical computer science, starting from analysis of algorithms, to complex, sophisticated algorithms and data structures. All the algorithms are presented in pseudocode, and it teaches you algorithmic problem solving, but not coding.

If what you really meant was how to go about reading and understanding CLRS, then these are my suggestions:
  1. MIT OCW: Use the video lectures as supplements to the concepts you are trying to understand. Peteris Krumins has published a series of blog posts covering the lectures. You can also find his lecture notes for each video. Start with this one: http://www.catonmat.net/blog/mit....
  2. Attempt the exercises after every chapter. Resist the temptation to skip the exercises or look at the solutions online right away.
  3. Practice solving algorithmic problems from sites like TopCoder, SPOJ, etc. For example, after reading the chapter on Dynamic Programming, you could filter problems belonging to this category and solve them.
  4. If you find the content in CLRS to be very theoretical as you progress (and you will), use Topcoder Algorithm Tutorials (http://community.topcoder.com/tc...) to understand them first. The contents here are more approachable.

If your intention is to learn coding, you might want to start out with a language like Python. You have a plethora of resources like http://learnpythonthehardway.org/ or Google Python Classes. The best way to get better at programming is to keep doing small projects. Read this interesting post by Feross Aboukhadijeh at http://www.feross.org/how-i-lear..., where he stresses the importance of doing side projects.

All the best!

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