How can you create a mobile gaming app using C++? Will you understand C++ easier if you...

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Daniel Super

Yes, you can create a mobile gaming app with C++. There are several game engines which compile to mobile and use C++. The two most obvious that come to mind are Cocos-2DX and Unreal4.

Yes, if you learn C# first it will make learning C++ easier. They are somewhat similar, and C# is easier to learn. Once you have a solid grip on one programming language others will come easier.

You seem to have two goals in mind, make a mobile game, and learn the language you think will get you hired (C++).

Most companies are a lot less interested in what specific language you know than whether you know how to execute a complicated project well in whatever language you do know.

I was offered a job working on Elder Scrolls Online even though I haven't used C++ in about 6 years. All of my professional experience is with C# in Unity and Objective C on an iOS.

Why were they still willing to hire me? Because experienced programmers know that language isn't that important. What's important is knowing how to build things well with the tool you are using.

I would suggest you pick a tool you like and focus on learning to build things well with it. Unity is a great choice for that and there's lots of demand for people who are good at it.

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