General Information
- Best for
- K-12 students, High School Students, Higher Education Students, Professionals, General Interest
- Subjects
- Sciences, Engineering, Humanities, Arts, Languages, Computer Science, Business, Maths, Social Sciences, Health & Medicine, Teaching & Learning
- Type of learning
- Academic, skill-based, General interest
- Course type
- Self-paced & Scheduled free courses & tutorials
- Languages
- Multiple languages
- Certification
- No
- Learning pathways
- No
- Mobile Apps
- iOS
iTunes U is an Apple iTunes application where colleges and universities from around the world can offer free courses and study resources covering a wide array of subjects, openly available to anyone. Currently, over 800 colleges and universities from across the globe provide post-secondary learning content to iTunes U.There is also a section that focuses on K-12 education, where US state or county education departments provide content for both students and educators.
To access the content, users are required to download the free Apple iTunes program onto a computer, iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch which then allows you to browse resources by school, subject, most downloaded, or noteworthy courses. Resources include audio, video, books, documents & presentations, apps, and iBooks textbooks for iPad. Users can see all assignments and updates from the instructor in one place, check off assignments as they are completed, take notes and highlight text. With the new app version, students participating in private courses can ask questions, answer queries posed by other students and jump into ongoing discussions. Push notifications keep both students and teachers up to date with the latest post. In addition, teachers can now create and update courses, send out course outlines, upload materials and distribute assignments directly from their iPad.
Tools & Features
- 750,000+ study resources
- Content from education and cultural institutions in 30 countries (including Stanford, Yale, MIT, Oxford, LaTrobe University, University of Tokyo, MoMA, the New York Public Library, and the Library of Congress)
- Discussion forums for private courses
- Content can be downloaded from either iTunes on your Mac or PC or directly from your iPhone or iPad
- Assignments and updates from the instructor in one place
- Check off assignments as you complete them
- Take course notes in class, or while playing audio or video lectures inside of iTunes U
- Access course materials, including audio, video, books, documents & presentations, apps, and iBooks textbooks
- Share courses using Twitter, Facebook, Mail, and Messages
- Video speed control
- Mobile apps: iOS
Course Info
- Course Cost
- Free Courses
- Skill Type
- Academic
- Business Skills
- Technical Skills
- Language Skills
- Course Type
- Short Online Courses
- Tutorials
- Course Format
- Scheduled
- On-Demand
- Course Language
- English
- French
- German
- Italian
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish
- Ukrainian
- Arabic
- Chinese
- Indonesian
- Japanese
- Korean
- Malay
- Thai
- Vietnamese
- Turkish
- Dutch
- Polish
- Hindi
- Other