Review Tufts Open Courseware


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Tufts Open Courseware


Tufts Opencourseware is a free and open educational resource for faculty, students, and self-learners around the world with a focus on Life Sciences and International Relations. The website represents only a sampling of Tufts course materials online and the type of content and course format of each course is up to the discretion of the School and instructors responsible for the course.
Courses are categorised into the University’s 8 Schools of Learning offering Open Courseware, with over 55 courses available including courses in human pathology, biostatistics, genetics, histology and intellectual development. The course materials are available on the webpage for each course giving details of the content available which may include the syllabus, lecture slides, text, homework assignments, quizzes, and exams (with solutions in some courses), lecture notes and additional material.

Accessing the content does not require any registration and the site does not grant degrees or certificates.

Tools & Features
  • 8 subject areas
  • 55+ courses
  • Lecture slides, text, homework assignments, quizzes, and exams (with solutions in some courses), lecture notes and additional material.

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