If C and C++ give the best performance, why do we still code in other languages?

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Christoph Wagner

Formula One race cars are also MUCH faster than regular cars. Why do people still drive regular cars?

Reliability: C/C++ is notorious for being incredibly difficult to program, and incredibily easy to screw up. It has so many features that there's probably no single person alive (save Bjarne Stoustroup) that knows them all, much less knows what they're for. Other languages remove some of these features and add restrictions, similar to adding seat belts and anti-locking brakes in consumer-level cars. A Toyota is much easier to drive safely, even in difficult conditions, than a race car.

Maintenance: You can get your Toyota fixed at every corner for a few hundred bucks. For a race car, you need highly trained engineers with special skills.

Convenience: if you're just going down to the grocery store to pick up some veggies, or driving to visit Aunt Sally on the weekend, you don't really need the power and torque of a race car, or the adrenaline boost of cutting corners at high speed. All you want to do is get in the car, pop in your favorite CD, and get to your destination safely and comfortably.

So in the end, it's all about choosing the right tool for the job.

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