How important are MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)?

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Active Member
Teddy Wyly

Very. I've taken many classes through Udacity, Khan Academy, etc and have really enjoyed the experience I had. There are many upsides: being able to watch lectures multiple times, at your convenience, in small chunks, and having access to some of the best and most inspiring teachers in the world.


There is a pretty apt analogy popularized by Elon Musk that I subscribe too. When we go to see a movie, we expect to be entertained by the best actors, and expect to see a film filled with high - budget special effects. Imagine watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy if it was put on by your local theatre troop? This is the current state of teaching. Instead of having thousands of teachers attempt to teach their students the same material but with varying effectiveness, it seems sensible to have the most inspiring and knowledgeable teachers teach the world.

In my field (technology), credentials are becoming worth less and less every day and the hiring is championed by meritocracy (although not always). You are measured on what you can build, not on where you went to school, and thus online teaching is a major contributor to how people learn. Particularly now, with a rather large bubble in higher education, being able to circumvent the system and learn without a huge investment is a really powerful notion.

In fact, I believe in the vision so much that I have helped launch Immersive Online iOS Development Course, a MOOC that aims to teach iPhone development. I really believe that MOOCs are a key tool in the democratization of education. If you look at the top universities in the world, many of them are firmly standing behind and contributing to MOOCs which might be an indicator of what is to come.

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