How do you spell accidentally incorrectly? 5 commonly misspelt words

FutureLearn Blog

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Monday 23rd April was the UN’s English Language Day and also William Shakespeare’s birthday. To celebrate, we thought we’d pay homage to Shakespeare and the tribulations of spelling mistakes.

With great carelessness and some delicious irony we ‘accidently’ made a spelling mistake on that very image. With this in mind, we’ve prepared a short list of common (British English) spelling mistakes in the hope that you won’t make the same comedy of errors.

Here are some of the most commonly misspelt words in the English language:

Accommodate (verb) – often misspelt with only one ‘m’ as accomodate

Definitely – we’ve all definately spelt this one incorrectly before

Necessary – it’s neccessary to spell it correctly

Occurred – this misspelling has occured more than once

Receive – not recieve, remember “i before e except after c”

If you’d like to improve your spelling and overall English language skills, join one of FutureLearn’s language and culture courses now.

Which other common spelling mistakes do you make? Let us know in the comments below.

The post How do you spell accidentally incorrectly? 5 commonly misspelt words appeared first on FutureLearn.

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