Review How to submit a review request

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Founder at MoocLab
Staff member
Group Manager
If you wish to have a particular platform reviewed, please follow the following guidelines:
  • Create a new thread using the platform's name as the title.
  • Write an overview of the platform, explaining what type of service it provides and how it benefits online learners
  • Provide a list of the platform's tools & features
  • Include a link to the website
  • Explain why you wish to have the platform reviewed and what your connection to the platform is
MoocLab’s reviews of MOOC and other online educational platforms serve as a guide offering an unbiased, independent appraisal and rating of the platforms, and are conducted thoroughly according to a set list of rating criteria. Each review takes some time, and MoocLab will review platforms listed here in due course if they are deemed valuable and relevant to online learning.

Please note, this forum is NOT for advertising. Each new thread will be approved by MoocLab before it is made public.

If you need any help with creating a thread, please refer to our User Guide and FAQ, or you can contact us here.
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