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Study Buddy

This is my adventure tracker of my journey through continuous learning, relaxation, and professional development. The things that I share here are varied and are meant to assist me professionally (conservation), or are things that interest me (language, reading for fun, cooking etc). You won't find just one course mentioned here so it'll certainly be interesting for any who visit here. Ask questions, lurk, whatever works. One thing I'll try to always do is share where the materials I am studying with come from. As sometimes these are books I've bought at a used bookstore, or random sites I've found online based on interests.

I'll always try to follow the format in the About Tracking Your Progress notice here. There is also additional information there.

General response to the questions
  • What are you learning? Various subjects. Some are to maintain skillsets, others are to learn new skills. I am going back to earn a certification in GIS starting May as well.
  • How/where are you learning? At school, at college, online etc. Online, at home.
  • What are your goals? Be a well rounded professional, learn something new and broaden my horizons.
  • How will your learning help you achieve these goals? Learning is the best way to start and then putting what you learn into practice.
  • What have you achieved so far? Starting lol Sometimes it's continuing to be motivated.
  • Do you have any examples or a portfolio of your work? None ready to upload. But will track here.


Active Member
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Study Buddy
  • What are you learning? Ecology: Ecosystem Dynamics & Conservation
  • How/where are you learning? Coursera.org
  • What are your goals? Keeping up to date with modern teaching of ecology, and systems thinking. reminding myself of the basics.
  • How will your learning help you achieve these goals? I'll be able to submit assignments and answer questions via the course.
  • What have you achieved so far? signing up ;)
  • Do you have any examples or a portfolio of your work? none yet. but aim to share redacted assignments here as I mosey through the course.


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Study Buddy
  • What are you learning? About the different styles of reading so that I comprehend and retain info from materials that I read on a systematic level by reading "How to Read a Book" by Mortimer Adler
  • How/where are you learning? Learning at home
  • What are your goals? To complete the book and begin to apply to other materials I read, and any potential research
  • How will your learning help you achieve these goals? This book offers great advice on dissecting books and really understand the premise and structure of written materials (even research papers). It'll be helpful grasp what authors mean and to think of how what they've written may apply across a discipline.
  • What have you achieved so far? I'm currently pg 104.
  • Do you have any examples or a portfolio of your work? No.


Active Member
Group Manager
Study Buddy
  • What are you learning? Improving your study techniques
  • How/where are you learning? Future Learn.
  • What are your goals? Learning about different study techniques that I could adopt.
  • How will your learning help you achieve these goals? I can apply it to what i've learned from another course about learning how to learn.
  • What have you achieved so far? signing up ;)
  • Do you have any examples or a portfolio of your work? none