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Gain Transferable College Credit with MOOCs MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) don't usually award college credit to graduates. Recently, however, some higher education institutions have partnered with the major MOOC platforms to deliver the first MOOCs with the option to gain credit. Although these programs do have a cost, it is considerably lower than the equivalent campus courses. The courses are online and open to anyone with no application or transcripts required, and will grant...
Nowadays, there are more opportunities than ever to learn online and the experience is generally a far cry from the dull, passive one some of our older readers may remember. With the advances in education technology, online courses offer much more than just video lectures. Students are required to actively engage with the content, take regular quizzes, play games, interact in discussion forums, and collaborate virtually on team projects. Although we may be adept at learning in other...
OpenClassrooms is a European online education platform based in Paris, France currently offering 5 MOOC-based online Bachelor’s Degree Paths in Front-End and Full-Stack Web Development, Android, iOS and Ruby development and Product Management. OpenClassrooms is registered with the Board of Education in France and grants its own Bachelor’s Degrees at level 6 on the EQF (European Qualifications Framework). The degrees are recognised by all participating countries of the Bologna Process...
Universities have been making their degree programs available online for over 20 years now, but today students can also choose to enrol on new form of online degree that is delivered in the form of MOOCs - Massive Open Online Courses. MOOCs are online courses created by universities, corporations or organisations and are typically delivered via platforms such as EdX, FutureLearn, and Coursera. In response to a shift in student learning habits and the rising cost of accessing higher...
FutureLearn, the UK-based MOOC provider, recently announced a new pricing plan - Unlimited - offering unlimited access to most of its short courses for an introductory one-off payment of £149 for one year. This offer will be available until 11 May 2019, after which Unlimited will cost £209. The Unlimited plan allows you to complete any number of short courses which offer a Certificate of Achievement. The courses can be completed in your own time within a year and include a printable digital...