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Not-for-profit MOOC platform edX recently published their first Impact Report which highlights their key achievements since launching in 2012 and their vision around transforming education in the future. From the launch of their first MOOC, Circuits and Electronics by MIT, edX's mission has been to transform education through digital technology: "By opening the classroom through MOOCs, edX brings the best courses from the best schools to millions of learners around the world." Image...
Many universities have announced that large classes and lectures will be online-only for the foreseeable future due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. This will undoubtedly pose some challenges for students starting or returning to university this term. Here are the key challenges students are likely to face with online classes along with specific tips on how to overcome them. Technical issues In an online environment, it is highly likely that some study sessions will be interrupted by a...
MoocLab is excited to announce a new job board putting you in touch with employers who recognise the value of candidates who develop their skillset through online education. People who pursue their education online are driven, hard-working individuals who are often looking to develop or gain skills in order to advance in their career. Over the past few years, MOOC platforms have recognised this demand and shifted their focus towards providing skill-based learning programs covering a range...
Find Your Online Study Buddy Today! Two Heads are better than one Work together to succeed in your online courses Meet hundreds of others who are also looking for a Study Buddy Find your perfect online Study Buddy today! Get Started >>>
The COVID-19 outbreak has meant that most learning has had to move online forcing students and professionals to learn remotely. Although remote learning offers many advantages, one of the biggest challenges faced by online learners is the comparative lack of interaction and community support that tends to happen organically in a physical setting. Community is important in learning, as knowledge is more likely to be retained when learners work and interact with peers, ask questions and gain...