Talking About Cancer: Reducing Risk, Early Detection and Mythbusting

FutureLearn Talking About Cancer: Reducing Risk, Early Detection and Mythbusting

Cancer Research UK
1 hour per week
3 weeks
Paid Certificate Available
Course Link
Gain the tips, tools and confidence to have conversations that could save lives
Talking about cancer can be tough. You might be worried that you’ll say the wrong thing or that you simply don’t know enough about the subject.

This course draws on the knowledge of Cancer Research UK experts. Learning is through quizzes, articles, discussions and videos demonstrating conversational dos and don’ts.

Over the course of 3 weeks you’ll find out how to encourage people to make healthy lifestyle changes, access local services or visit their doctor promptly if they notice changes to their body. The skills you gain may also be useful in talking to people already affected by cancer.

The course is particularly relevant for those working or volunteering in the following areas: advocacy, care and support work, community health centres and services, dentistry, GP surgeries, mental health, nursing, occupational therapy, oncology, osteopathy, pharmacy, physiotherapy, public health, radiotherapy, sexual health, social work, or any other healthcare.

However, it is suitable for anyone with an interest in the topic, and may help with both personal and professional conversations about cancer and health.

The course does not require any previous experience of this subject.

What topics will you cover?
  • Key facts and health messages about cancer prevention, screening and early diagnosis, and how to explain them.
  • Confidence for having conversations about cancer that help others take positive action.
  • Identification of barriers to making lifestyle changes or seeing a doctor.
  • Communication methods that overcome barriers and avoid building defensiveness and fear.
  • Methods of questioning that help people make decisions for themselves.
  • Identifying how our own feelings can affect conversations.
  • Directing people to the right places for advice and support.
  • Creating an action plan for talking about cancer.

Taught by
Gillian Kilgour
First release
Last update
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