Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills

Coursera Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills

University of Michigan
2-3 hours a week
7 weeks
Paid Certificate Available
Course Link
We all negotiate on a daily basis. On a personal level, we negotiate with friends, family, landlords, car sellers and employers, among others. Negotiation is also the key to business success. No business can survive without profitable contracts. Within a company, negotiation skills can lead to your career advancement.

I hope that you will join the hundreds of thousands of learners who have made “Successful Negotiation” one of the most popular and highly-rated MOOCs worldwide. In the course, you’ll learn about and practice the four steps to a successful negotiation:

(1) Prepare: Plan Your Negotiation Strategy

(2) Negotiate: Use Key Tactics for Success

(3) Close: Create a Contract

(4) Perform and Evaluate: The End Game

Welcome to Successful Negotiation!
Through this course you'll learn and practice the strategies and skills that will help you become a successful negotiator in your personal life and business transactions. After completing this module, you'll be able to state the four key stages of negotiation and what you need to do successfully complete this course.

Prepare: Plan Your Negotiation Strategy
This module focuses on the first step in the negotiation process - planning for a negotiation. One critical component you'll learn is how to complete a negotiation analysis to set you up for success.

Negotiate: Use Key Tactics for Success
This module focuses on two especially important topics: (1) how to use power during negotiations and (2) psychological tools that you can use during negotiations. Keep a paper and pencil handy, as you'll be participating in several experiments as watch these videos!

Close: Create a Contract
This module focuses on the negotiation that takes place in a business deal after reaching an initial agreement – the negotiation to create a binding contract. Among other things, you'll learn to decide if you need a lawyer or can act as your own for contract creation. However, the videos should not be construed as providing legal advice.

Taught by
George Siedel

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