Spanish Vocabulary: Cultural Experience

Coursera Spanish Vocabulary: Cultural Experience

University of California, Davis
3-4 hours a week
4 weeks
Paid Certificate Available
Part of
Course Link
¡Bienvenidos! This second course in the specialization will build on the basic vocabulary you learned in the first course, and you will begin to build the skills necessary to express your likes and dislikes orally and in writing. You’ll also begin to explore the some of the common cultural experiences of the Spanish-speaking world through a visit to the marketplace. A series of interactive activities and videos will provide opportunities for practice and continued exploration of the cultural context of the Spanish-speaking world.

Talking About the Market and Food
The first module of this course will continue to expand the vocabulary you built in the first course of this specialization - Spanish Vocabulary: Meeting People. Our discussion will focus on food, and we’ll visit an open air market. You’ll be able to express your likes and dislikes using the verb “gustar,” and you will be able to ask culturally appropriate questions. A main focus of the module will be the use of indirect object pronouns and we’ll learn some common useful expressions.

Talking About Daily Routines
In this module you’ll begin to discuss your daily and weekly routines using the reflexive pronouns me, te, se, nos, os, and se. You’ll master the days of the week and calendar months and we’ll practice speaking in the present perfect tense. This module introduces a large number of new words and expressions that will add to your growing vocabulary.

Talking About Leisure
Wrapping up this course, this module covers vocabulary words and expressions related to your free time, or leisure time. In addition, this module introduces the concept of talking about future events using the verb ir with a and an infinitive. We’ll also discuss how to substitute pronouns for direct objects, and you’ll be able to practice using the passive and impersonal voice.

Taught by
Dr. Robert Blake
First release
Last update
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