EdX MicroBachelors™ Programs

EdX MicroBachelors™ Programs

MOOC platform edX has partnered with top colleges, universities and Fortune 1000 corporations to deliver their latest offering - MicroBachelors programs. These credit-backed credentials are stackable and "deliver immediately transferable skills to meet the real-world needs of employers, while providing a pathway to a full Bachelor’s degree".

Priced at around $166 per credit, the programs are delivered 100% online, have no admissions requirements and are designed for adults without a college degree. Each program comes with real, transferable college credit from one of edX's university credit partners which can be put towards earning a full bachelor's degree.

The first MicroBachelors programs are:
  • IT Career Framework from Western Governors University (WGU), which is recognized for credit by WGU.
  • Computer Science Fundamentals from New York University (NYU), which is pending recognition for credit by Thomas Edison State University (TESU).
  • Professional Writing from Arizona State University (ASU), with additional programs to be announced.
EdX plan to announce additional MicroBachelors programs and new credit pathways that stack into full degree options in the future. To learn more about MicroBachelors programs on edX, visit www.edx.org/microbachelors.
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