edX ACE Alternative Credit Project

edX ACE Alternative Credit Project

About the ACE Alternative Credit Project

EdX is a participant in the Alternative Credit Project, an effort to assist the global adult population who are eligible to return to college to complete a degree or credential because they already have completed some college coursework. By taking select online courses with edX you can build up credits for general education courses that will transfer directly into participating colleges, saving money and putting you in control of the pace of your studies.

As you complete your online courses with edX, you’ll build a college transcript with the American Council on Education (ACE), the sponsor of the Alternative Credit Project.

How it Works
  • Find a course listed here that you are interested in taking
  • Visit www.alternativecreditproject.com to see which college or university accepts the course for credit
  • Take the course with the Verified Certificate option. The cost varies by course, but will be less than $300 USD/course for all ACE approved courses.
  • Request a transcript from ACE. Once you create an account you select the course you completed and the appropriate educational institution.
  • Apply for admissions at the college or university that accepts the credit and transfer the credit
Course Format
Choose a course, start studying, connect with others online and have fun! Receive an official credential from the institution offering the course, signed by the instructor. The certificate verifies your achievement and can be used to highlight skills on your resume or LinkedIn profile. It can also be used to transfer credit to one of the Alternative Credit Project participating institutions.

ACP Qualifying Courses
Courses offered by edX that are included in the Alternative Credit Project have undergone ACE’s credit recommendation process and have been granted an ACE CREDIT® recommendation. ACE CREDIT has been recommending college credit for non-classroom learning for over 30 years and ACE’s credit recommendations are considered by over 2,000 colleges and universities across the United States. Please look back often for new courses and new start dates of courses.

Requesting a Transcript
In order to take advantage of the guaranteed acceptance of ACE courses by participating institutions, you will need to order an official ACE transcript. Once you create an account you will select the courses you have completed and the appropriate educational institution. Be sure to search for the courses under the organization title Alternative Credit Project Ecosystem.
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