Bacterial Genomes: Accessing and Analysing Microbial Genome Data

FutureLearn Bacterial Genomes: Accessing and Analysing Microbial Genome Data

Wellcome Genome Campus
5 hours/week
3 weeks
Course Certificate
Course Link
Use computational tools to investigate microbial genomes
Applying increasingly powerful computation to genomics contributes to important medical breakthroughs.

On this course, you will discover the basic principles of microbial bioinformatics analysis, and comparative genomics. Using Artemis, a free genome browser, you will find out how to investigate whole bacterial genomes, and through the analysis of bacterial genes and proteins, you will explore the genomic features of pathogens.

By the end of this course, you will be able to use genomic data to increase your knowledge of microbial genomes.

This course would benefit those interested in learning how to use tools to investigate bacterial genomes, and acquire bioinformatics skills to evaluate the role of microbial genes in disease. Using analytical tools to access and probe genomes, learners will find out how to perform comparative analyses of genes and their protein products.

The course will be of interest to undergraduates, post-graduates, researchers, bioinformaticians, microbiologists, and healthcare professionals. The opportunity to use online computational tools to probe bacterial genomes will also be of interest to teachers and their 16-18-year-old science and computing students.

Bacterial Genomes: From DNA to Protein Function using Bioinformatics is a recommended pre-requisite. Scientific terminology is explained.

Royal College of Pathologists: RCPath has approved this course for 15 CPD credits. This applies to medical staff and clinical scientists in career grade posts who are enrolled with one of the Royal Colleges for CPD purposes.

What topics will you cover?
Week 1
  • Multi-FASTA files
  • Reference and draft bacterial genomes
  • Introduction to Artemis, an open source genome browser
Week 2
  • Genome annotation
  • Genomic regions defined by GC (guanine-cytosine) content
  • Accessing and downloading whole genome sequences
  • Pathogenicity islands
Week 3
  • Peer-reviewed project: Ecological niche adaptation between two Mycobacterium species
  • Pseudogenes in Mycobacterium species

Taught by
Dr. Anna Protasio
First release
Last update
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