AP Statistics

AP Statistics AP Statistics

Learn about the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data.

Develop analytical and critical thinking skills as you learn to describe data patterns and departures from patterns, plan and conduct studies, use probability and simulation to explore random phenomena, estimate population parameters, test hypotheses, and make statistical inferences.

Download AP Statistics Course Overview

About the Exam

The exam is approximately three hours long and has two parts – multiple choice and free response. Each section of the exam is worth 50% of the final exam grade.

The portion of the exam covering each course topic area is:
  • Exploring Data: Describing patterns and departures from patterns (20%–30%)
  • Sampling and Experimentation: Planning and conducting a study (10%–15%)
  • Anticipating Patterns: Exploring random phenomena using probability and simulation (20%–30%)
  • Statistical Inference: Estimating population parameters and testing hypotheses (30%–40%)
Section I: Multiple Choice — 1 hour and 30 minutes

The multiple choice questions will cover the topics listed above.

Total scores on the multiple-choice section are based on the number of questions answered correctly. Points are not deducted for incorrect answers and no points are awarded for unanswered questions.

Section II: Free Response — 6 questions; 1 hour and 30 minutes
  • 5 short-answer questions asking you to relate two or more different content areas through a response or solution to a statistics or probability problem
  • 1 investigative task asking you to demonstrate your understanding of a variety of topics, and your ability to integrate statistical ideas and apply them in a new context or an unusual way.
You'll need to bring a graphing calculator with statistical capabilities to the exam.

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