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If you are new to MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), you may be looking for some guidance to get you started on the right track. Here at MoocLab, we have set up a MOOC Help Centre to help answer some common questions or uncertainties. Some of the most viewed General MOOC Questions are: How much do MOOCs cost? How do I enrol on a MOOC? Do MOOCs provide certificates? Where can I find MOOCs? We also have answers to common questions about learning with the three main MOOC platforms...
How to share your MOOC certificates A guide on providing evidence of your accomplishments to employers or academic institutions Most MOOC platforms offer digital Course Certificates on successful completion of a course which allow you to provide evidence of your learning. Sharing your certificates with potential employers or academic institutions can help you stand out from the crowd by showcasing relevant up-to-date skills and demonstrating initiative, commitment and drive all of which...
Modern States Education Alliance is offering a high-quality path to free college credit, the Freshman Year for Free. The program offers everyone tuition-free online courses with free on-line textbooks leading to real college credit at more than 2,900 major colleges and universities. The goal of the program is to make college more accessible and affordable for high school students, college students and adult learners, including active duty military personnel, their families, and veterans...
I am excited to announce our new MOOC-based learning paths to help you reach your career goals. MoocLab's Career Paths offer a complete guide to some of the highest growth careers and include the skills you need to know, the salary you can expect to earn, the sequence of courses that will help you master those skills and even suggested Micro Degrees and Degrees to help you successfully master the skills . With our career paths, you are now able to become experts in fields like data science...
According to a report published by MoocLab in December 2017, the total global number of MOOC participants is estimated to be in excess of 100 million learners worldwide. While some learners take MOOCs out of personal interest, for others, enhancing their job prospects is the primary goal by gaining course certificates. This raises the question of how these courses and certificates are viewed by potential employers, especially in comparison to more traditional credentials. The fundamental...